Announcement From The Pastor:

This Sunday we will be following the CDC mandate not to assemble in groups of more than ten (10) people. Therefore, we will not be meeting this Sunday due to the restriction on the number of people that can assemble. We know that we are people of faith and we have been commanded by God that we should obey the laws of the land. Our decision to honor the governmental authorities charged with managing the spread of the Covid-19 virus allows us to express our love for one another by limiting physical contact that may expose vulnerable people to illness. This will give us time to look into other ways to provide our services. Until this Pandemic is lifted, we will be keeping everyone updated from week to week about our services.

Thank you, may God continue to shower His blessings over all.

How Can we worship together during this time?

We are currently working to bring our service online through video streaming and sermon notes. Please be patient as we navigate this new avenue of ministry and strive to provide an effective experience for you. If you would like to volunteer to assist or provide any suggestions to improve the way we implement and engage as a ministry during this time, please contact the church.

Looking for more information about COVID-19?

For complete and updated information, click here to visit the CDC’s website. For information specific to Mississippi visit the MS Dept. of Health website.

How should we respond to the COVID-19 pandemic?

Throughout these times of tribulation, remember that God has already overcome the world and it is He that goes with us through everything we face. Although we won’t be gathering for services and events during this time, we encourage you to stay connected to the church body by reaching out to one another with calls, texts, and social media. Let us pray for all those affected by this virus and the emotional affects people may experience during times of isolation, fear and anxiety. Spend quality time, pray and read scriptures with those in your household and find ways to strengthen those bonds.

Continue to pray and give. As a church we are always and in all ways committed to love, serve, reach and teach. These circumstance just dictate that we find more ways to achieve that. If you have questions or need assistance, contact us.

God has not forsaken you and neither should we forsake one another in our prayers and deeds of love.