New Bible Study Series on “Hope for the hurting”
Join us each Tuesday night (May 7th-June 11th) from 6:30pm – 7:30pm as we go through the 6-week series '“Hope for the Hurting” Bible Study by Tony Evans.
Description: Jesus said we would suffer in this world. As much as we would all like to avoid the pain, it’s out of our hands. But we can still take steps to walk through the sorrow with peace, and even joy. Inspired by a difficult season of his own, Tony Evans has written this new Bible study to help all those who are facing a tough challenge and those who are doing their best to support them.
Each Tuesday session will include a short video session followed by a group discussion led by one of our Bible Study teachers.
Dinner is available each week. Bring a friend and let’s grow in the Word together.
Recommended material: Hope for the Hurting-Bible Study Book
Please arrive on time for each session. Contact the church, if you have any questions.